At Pure Health Natural Medicine, Dr. Mallory has over 30 years of experience using acupuncture to treat patients with chronic illness in Bend, Oregon. His specialty is helping people manage and treat health conditions using a blend of acupuncture, Chinese medicinal herbs, and naturopathic medicine. His approach is personal, relaxed, and holistic. Our patients appreciate the blend of custom treatment modalities and alternative options for managing their symptoms.
Our focus is on holistic alternative care to find the best fit for our patients. Our office is small, private, and comfortable which best suits our patient’s healing process. We have two private treatment rooms for acupuncture and a larger room for meeting and discussing treatment plans. We also have our own stock of natural supplements and Chinese herbal formulas.
If you are considering acupuncture for the first time or have questions, please call us at 541-639-3494. We also offer ozone therapy, and IV therapy.
Acupuncture Helps Treat:
- Chronic Illness: Lyme Disease, Chronic Fatigue, Autoimmune
- Musculoskeletal Pain: Strain, Sprain, Arthritis, Sports Injuries
- Headaches
- Immune System: Sinus, respiratory, colds, and flu
- Digestive Health: Candida, SIBO, IBS
- Women’s Health: reproductive health, fertility, menopause
- Men’s Health: Prostate health
- Addiction/Mental Health
History of Dr. Mallory's Style of Acupuncture
The Dong Han Acupuncture and Herbology system traces its origin to the Shilla Dynasty(circa 4th to 6th century) in Korea. It has been comprised exclusively of medical scholars since its inception. The system draws upon the sophisticated radial pulse diagnosis models included in classical writings such as the Nan Jing(circa 200 BCE), the Li Shi-Zhen (circa 1564 CE), and The Mai Jing. The Lineage Heads of the Dong Han Acupuncture System have since incorporated the details of western biomedicine into the advanced pulse diagnosis models used during treatment.