Chronic candidiasis can develop due to an overgrowth of yeast or fungus in the gastrointestinal tract. Our bodies hold over 9 meters of intestines which make up the majority of our gastrointestinal tract. Inside our intestines live millions of good bacteria we call “flora” which help us prevent overgrowth of bad bacteria, digest our food, produce vitamin K, and strengthen our immune system.
Candida, or yeast overgrowth, can lead to dysbiosis, an imbalance in the flora of the gut where the bad bacteria has outnumbered the good bacteria. This unhealthy intestinal flora can lead to serious health consequences ranging from allergies and IBS to migraine headaches and immune system malfunction. Common symptoms of candida or yeast overgrowth include fatigue, allergies, gas/bloating, constipation, diarrhea, itchy skin, foggy mind, weight gain, dandruff, toenail fungus (onchomycosis), and white coating on the tongue.
- Candidiasis can be treated
- Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine
- Detoxification and fasting
- Nutritional Therapy
- Dietary changes and hormone testing
- Major autohemotherapy
- Vaginal insufflation
- Low dose immunotherapy
What causes Candidiasis?
An opportunistic micro-flora multiplies in the body causing favorable (damp, acidic, and sugary) conditions for the growth of candida. Lifestyle conditions such as excessive consumption of sugary foods, long-term use of contraceptives, poor eating habits, and eating too fast can cause candida.
Thrush can lead to symptoms such as white patches around the tongue, cracking of the mouth at the corners, swallowing problems, and soreness. When it affects the genital area, the common symptoms experienced include genital burning, itching, and even white cheese-like discharge.
Other symptoms include
Poor memory or inability to focus, dizziness, hyperactivity, acne, cysts, and, night sweats. Additionally, psoriasis, acid reflux, bloating, and, cravings for alcohol and sweets can also arise.
Naturopathic treatment of Candidiasis
Natural treatment of candidiasis is provided after identifying the cause of the symptoms and can include the following:
Use of anti-microbial herbs
Anti-microbial herbs can kill candida. Foods like onions, garlic, wormwood, dandelion, goldenseal, thyme, Andrographis, and rhubarb. All these herbs are anti-bacterial and anti-parasitic and can help protect the liver.
Acupuncture focuses on boosting the immune system thus helping fight off the bacteria in the body. The technique was traditionally used in preventive medicine to relieve pain, reduce stress, and boost immunity. Acupuncture strengthens the kidney and spleen, encouraging healing.
Diet modification
Diet changes can also help with candidiasis. There are various anti-candida diets that can help fight off the infection. The diets include reduced sugar and dairy intake, and limiting refined products and food high in yeast content. Increasing intake of natural foods like oregano, garlic, and coconut oil can also help battle fungal infections.
Use of supplements and vitamin-rich foods
Reintroduction of beneficial gut flora by taking high-quality probiotic supplements like S. Boulardi can fight candida. Eating fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, bitter foods, and whole grains is also recommended. Foods such as spinach, dandelion, celery, lettuce, parsley, brussels sprouts, and carrots can help repair the gastrointestinal membrane and are also recommended.
This focuses on improving the immune system naturally. It helps to rebalance the natural equilibrium and enables the body to balance the candida growth. It also boosts natural healing in the body and strengthens the digestive system. Homeopathy looks at various issues including dietary problems. Recommended selective supplements are prescribed depending on your condition and symptoms. The common remedies include sepia, Pulsatilla, sulfur, and Calcarea-carbonica. Homeopathy is safe, gentle, and effective.
Candidiasis can be very annoying and although there are several contemporary medications to treat candidiasis, natural techniques can help stop the overgrowth of yeast infection. Herbs, acupuncture, diet modifications, supplements, and homeopathy are some of the natural treatments of candidiasis.